” The human body is a marvel “

Good points ! Everyone should read it!

The Naked Truth.........


Debunking all the myths and perceptions surrounding nudity can take an age and can create many an argument about what its called and how it should be practiced. After watching David Attenborough’s “Trials of Life” last Saturday morning, it occurred to me, that how we see ourselves is fundamentally different to how we see other mammals, birds and all other animals. In the final episode of the series Attenborough explained (and we were shown) the mating rituals of various species. It then occurred to me how upside down our human world really is. Society condemns nudity as being disgusting and the human act of making love as virtually pornography, but on these type of programmes we see animals love making as being educational.


So where do we or where should we draw the line ? For me I’d draw a line where it becomes less educational and moves closer to…

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