#Naked in the woods, a reader feedback

Naked and Happy

Some 51WQgCurteL._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_weeks ago, I put my hands on a digital copy of Naked in the Woods, a guide to Spiritual nudity by Storm Moon. I wrote my first experience to total nakedness in the woods in my post titled A #naked walk in the forest at night. The experience was awesome and I then continued to read the book. Now that I came to its end, here’s my feedback.

First and foremost, I enjoyed the book. It ties nicely nudity, sensuality and nature. Do not get confused, even though the author advise to do most of the prescribed exercises naked, they can be done clothed as well, because it’s all about increasing our senses of belonging to the universe that surrounds us.

There are 7 different parts that walk you through the roads of the communion with nature, embracing nudity and peace:

  1. The naked spirit. This is…

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